October, now's the time to start getting ready for Winter even though Autumn has only just 'officially' started - this month's jobs involve tidying and harvesting any fruit
Your lawn's growth should now be starting to slow down or stop growing soon so you'll only need to cut the lawn for the last few times. Raise the cutting height so that the roots have more protection throught the coming winter months.
If you live in a colder part of the country now is the last chance you may have to do any work to your lawn.
If you want to get rid of any dead thatch or moss you can use a spring-tine rake or a powered scarifier for the larger lawns. Once you have done this you can use an autumn lawn feed.
Clear fallen leaves before they get too thick because this will block out the light from the grass and turn it yellow if left too long.
If you've not had a chance to clean your greenhouse all year then now is the time to do it . I personally find it easier to empty the greenhouse too before I clean ours so if it is possible for you to do this it will definitely make it easier for you. I personally use a bit of Jeyes fluid in water and give it a good clean inside. Once the greenhouse is clean you can then put the plants back in.
If you want to insulate the greenhouse the best thing to use is bubblewrap - this will also help to reduce your heating bills if you also heat your greenhouse.
Remember not to get your greenhouse too wet now as this could lead to mould and your plants then rotting off.
Sweet peas can be grown in the greenhouse or cold frame, over this period, ready for next Spring when they can then be planted out again mid to late March.
Vegetable Garden
If you didn't cut back your asparagus last month then it should definitely be done this month.
Finishing planting onion sets for a Spring to early Summer crop.
Now your beans and peas are finished just cut the tops off and chop them up a bit and add this to you compost, then when you dig the bed over just dig the roots in as they will then act as a fertiliser.
If you want to, you can start digging your beds over so that any frost will break the lumps down. I usually leave mine until Christmas time though as my soil is very fine and ends up solid and water logged if I do it too soon.
If you have any apple or pear trees they should be harvested now.
If you want Spring cabbages these can be planted out now but you may need to cover them to provide protection from the pigeons.
You can still divide any herbacious plants which are too big or not flowering very well.
Any Summer bedding you have planted will need to come out this month as any frost will kill them.
Dahlias will need lifting once a frost has blackened the tops, store them in a shed or cold greenhouse - somewhere frostproof.
Plant Spring flowering bulbs now. Winter Pansies and wall flowers can also be planted.
It is also a good time to plant trees this month.
This month is the last chance for cutting any hedges which were not cut last month.
Plants like Budlia and Lavatera can be pruned back by about half - this will tidy them up and help stop the wind from rocking them and damaging the roots, this also applies to the pruning down of any roses that have long straggily shoots. Any shoots on climbing roses should also be tied in to help them over the next few months.
Continue to ensure that you keep your bird feeders and water baths clean and stocked up with different feeds. As the temperature starts to get colder and the nights are drawing in then the birds that you have been feeding all through this year will need as much help over the next few changing months.
We have also found that we have had other visitors to the garden too as a result of the spilled bird seed underneath the feeder - hedgehogs! If you want to feed these delightful little creatures then there are plenty of hedgehog foods in some shops and on the internet (which also has lots of information too - like making sure you don't feed hedgehogs milk & bread because it's dangerous for their digestive system!) - best of all though is that one of their favourite food is......slugs!!!
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
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